Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to tackle house cleaning

•Start at the top of the room and work your way down.
•When you dust, start at the top and work down.
•Take all your cleaning tools with you into the room to avoid multiple trips back and forth.
•Turn off the phone and turn off the TV.
•Eliminate clutter.
•Clean as you go! If you use it, put it up!
•A house that smells fresh will give the impression of cleanliness. Use baking soda on carpeting to absorb musty odors.
•Keep a big mat on the porch to cut down on tracked in dirt.
•Keep a basket in the kitchen for the mail, newspaper, car keys to help with clutter.
•Keep a hamper in every bathroom.
•Make everyone in charge of making his or her own bed and picking up their stuff.
•Prioritize, if your time is limited decided what is most important.
•Delegate, get the whole family involved.
•Make a checklist, when a job is completed, check it off - you'll feel as though you are really accomplishing your goal.

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