Saturday, April 24, 2010

Car Organization

Car organization is important, especially if you are constantly driving your kids around, hopping from one meeting to another, or going on road trips, your organized vehicle will contribute to improved efficiency and punctuality

Utilize the general organizing process of purge, sort and store for organizing your car.

Purge It:

• Start by going through your car and throwing away all the trash.

• Next, gather all the items that don't belong in your car and put the things where they go.

Sort It:

• Now that you can focus on the remaining relevant items, divide them up into categories such as; tools, safety items, etc.

Store It:

• First, decide which part of the car is appropriate to store certain items. For example, the infrequently used tools can be kept in the trunk, while the frequently used hygiene items like lotion or hand sanitizer can be stored for easier access.

• Cars usually come with several compartments specifically for storing your personal items; utilize these areas for items that make the most sense.

Maintain It:

• Empty your car of trash items on a regular basis. Make a habit of grabbing all of the junk each time you get out of your car. This simple task will keep the car free and clear of clutter.

• Clean your car on a monthly basis or as needed. Keeping your car organized will maintain its appearance and make it easier to drive.

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