Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Closet Cleanout

Before you can undertake reorganizing your closet, you first need to face your clutter issues. Yes, this can be a daunting task, but you will be far happier and much more successful at the reorganization effort you are undertaking if you take a few extra steps ahead of time.
- You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time so choose the items you wish to keep carefully.
- Items to discard include anything:
o You haven’t worn in a year
o Worn out or requiring mending
o Stained beyond cleaning
o One- size to small or to large
o Out-of-fashion
o Missing parts of sets (tops, bottoms, gloves socks, etc.)
o Poor quality
o With price tags never removed
o Worn out shoes and purses
- Start at one end of the closet and work to the other end reviewing every item. Have a bag or box ready for items you plan to discard. You may be able to give these to your favorite charity.
- Saving items for when you “take off the last 10 pounds” can be discouraging since this can take longer than you would like. If you would like, keep one item for the “new you” to help motivate yourself. Then reward yourself for your achievement by shopping for new clothes at your goal.
- Using one type and color of hanger (wood, plastic, etc.) simplifies the look as it gives a sense of uniformity and control over the space.
- If you keep shoes in shoeboxes, take time to label each box with a brightly colored marker as this makes it easier to find the shoes you are looking for.
- Plan extra time for this project now and it will be worth plenty of time in your future.
Good Luck and let us know what your best organization trick is…………

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