Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pantry Organization

The Pantry questions are; what’s in there & what’s the expiration date and how to store it best. One must is keep the items rotated for. When you buy new items to add to the pantry, put these things behind the items already in the pantry. Organize the pantry in some way that will fit your lifestyle the best and keep a pantry inventory list. This helps you make your grocery list.

Here are some tips to consider for making the pantry more organized.

1. Be sure each item is easily accessible and visible. Add shelves if needed.

2. Stack cans with their labels facing out so they are visible.

3. Use adjustable shelves, rattan baskets, pull-out drawers, other organization helpers.

4. Put together a ‘guest shelf’. When you have visitors you can have on hand; drink mixes, easy to make dips, chips, cookies, etc.

5. Have a paper and pencil nearby so you can keep a list of needed items as you run low or think of new supper/side dish ideas.

6. Do not put bulky or heavy items out of reach for safety.

7. If you have a step stool, be sure there is an attached handle to hold on to. Be sure the stool safe.

8. Use/add overhead lighting in your pantry for easy visibility.

9. See which items you use a lot of and consider buying the gallon size to save money.

10. Store cereal, rice and other dried foods in glass jars that are clearly labeled.

11. Eliminate items in the pantry that just sit there for a long time.

12. The pantry door can have storage racks attached on the back with the use of a hanging organizer.

13. Add a shelf just for cookbooks. Organize your cookbooks.

14. With open shelves it is nice to put as much as you can in jars or storage containers.

15. Have a decorative bread box for looks and to help your bread stay fresh longer.

16. In a larger pantry, you can store large appliances such as a food processor or blender or bread machine. You can store extra silver ware and extra plates.

17. Plan the pantry out for the person who uses it most often “The Cook”.

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