Thursday, April 22, 2010

Organize Your Life

Getting organized is about being in control of Your Life.
• The more organized one becomes the more you are able to think and feel better about yourself.
• One must strive for consistency; this can lead to a more organized life.
• If you spend at least 15-30 minutes a day organizing things, it will be helpful in decreasing clutter.
• Commit to a set time and schedule to help you meet the goal of organizing your life.
• Put your goals in writing and keep it visible (bulletin board) to have as a reminder.
• Use a calendar, planner, appointment book or written list to help you keep up.
• Plan how you want to start organizing your area of interest, start with your most important area.
• Have a target deadline to work towards having tasks completed. This helps you to stay focused.
• If you are not able to meet your deadline, do not stress. Modify your target date to be realistic.
• If you do not know where to start, work on the simple things such as your current mail or laundry.
• Reward yourself for everything you get to organize, this is very motivating.
• Organize one spaceat a time. Once you finish with one room in your home, move onto the next one.
• Work at your pace. Quality is always better then quantity.
• Schedule the next time you plan to organize something. This can help you keep focused on your goals.
• Learn to let things go. If you have not used something for 12 months you probably will not be using it.
• Have a yard sale, donate unused items or recycle unneeded items.
• Anything that is out of date, get rid of it.
• Do not keep paper that is not needed. Recycle!
• Credit card receipts & should be shredded once you reconcile your statements.
• Use filing cabinets as needed to organize your paperwork, don’t let it pile up.
• Arrange your books in some sort of simple order for you and others to follow.
• Balance your checkbook daily and keep your finances in order.
• Set up automatic bill payments to help you keep track of bills and avoid late fees.
• Start Now! Put away 5 things as soon as you are done reading this information.

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