Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to tackle house cleaning

•Start at the top of the room and work your way down.
•When you dust, start at the top and work down.
•Take all your cleaning tools with you into the room to avoid multiple trips back and forth.
•Turn off the phone and turn off the TV.
•Eliminate clutter.
•Clean as you go! If you use it, put it up!
•A house that smells fresh will give the impression of cleanliness. Use baking soda on carpeting to absorb musty odors.
•Keep a big mat on the porch to cut down on tracked in dirt.
•Keep a basket in the kitchen for the mail, newspaper, car keys to help with clutter.
•Keep a hamper in every bathroom.
•Make everyone in charge of making his or her own bed and picking up their stuff.
•Prioritize, if your time is limited decided what is most important.
•Delegate, get the whole family involved.
•Make a checklist, when a job is completed, check it off - you'll feel as though you are really accomplishing your goal.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where to start

Not one person can go back in time and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending........

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time Management

1 Have goals

Becoming efficient with your time is irrelevant if you don't know how you are going to spend your new found efficiency. In time management your personal compass is more important than the clock.

2 Analyze how you spend your time

It is always good to know how you're spending your time right now. How does this compare to your goals? Are you spending time where your priorities are?

3 Master efficiency

One trick I have found is time use efficiency; while you walk? while you clean? while you watch TV?

4 Its OK to say no

"No" can be the most powerful time tool you can master. When someone asks you to do something, ask yourself how important this is. Does it help you achieve your goals? Be strategic about what you take on.

5 Focus

Committing 100% focus and concentration on one task at a time can be very powerful. Eliminate distractions. Focus on the task. When you're properly organized and prepared, when your energy and power are high, you can often complete a task in 20% of the time it would take when your not focused.

6 Build your efficiency bank

High efficiency is not possible if you don't look after yourself. Eat right, exercise, sleep well, etc.

7 Take care of you

It isn't possible to be "on your game" all the time. Take the time you need to look after yourself so that you can reach peak efficiency when you need to. Have a list of things you like to do and do them.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Don't forget important dates

Don’t forget important dates. Sometimes in our very busy schedules, we overlook the most important occasions, and find ourselves sending overdue good wishes or congratulations. Be sure to include birthdates of friends and loved ones in your planner along with anniversaries, graduations, and other important occasions. Also include a reminder of this date about a week prior in your planner so you have plenty of time to shop for gifts or mail cards.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is organization?

1 : the act or process of organizing
2 : developing a structure
3 : forming a complete and functioning whole
4 : an administrative structure
5 : arranged by systematic planning
6 : what each of us needs more of !!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Car Organization

Car organization is important, especially if you are constantly driving your kids around, hopping from one meeting to another, or going on road trips, your organized vehicle will contribute to improved efficiency and punctuality

Utilize the general organizing process of purge, sort and store for organizing your car.

Purge It:

• Start by going through your car and throwing away all the trash.

• Next, gather all the items that don't belong in your car and put the things where they go.

Sort It:

• Now that you can focus on the remaining relevant items, divide them up into categories such as; tools, safety items, etc.

Store It:

• First, decide which part of the car is appropriate to store certain items. For example, the infrequently used tools can be kept in the trunk, while the frequently used hygiene items like lotion or hand sanitizer can be stored for easier access.

• Cars usually come with several compartments specifically for storing your personal items; utilize these areas for items that make the most sense.

Maintain It:

• Empty your car of trash items on a regular basis. Make a habit of grabbing all of the junk each time you get out of your car. This simple task will keep the car free and clear of clutter.

• Clean your car on a monthly basis or as needed. Keeping your car organized will maintain its appearance and make it easier to drive.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Garage Sale Tips

Try these ideas for a successful yard sale:

Gather Your Inventory

The sellable stuff is right under your nose. The first step is to identify it. In the weeks before your sale, purge closets and cupboards, bookcases and basement for garage sale items.

Know the Rules

Check with your city/county and the homeowners association. Some places require a permit.

Set a Date

Have a strategy for sale's end. Many charities will pick up all unsold items. Whatever you do, don't let the survivors back in the house!


Spend a few dollars for an ad, most local papers offer affordable pricing or free signs to yard sale advertisers. Mention furniture, baby items, tools, etc in your advertisement.

Prepare and Price

Use plastic food storage bags to group game pieces, display jewelry, and hold hardware pieces.

Set Up Your Shop

Are you ready to make change for a twenty? Be prepared with small bills and coin change.
Now Sell It

Offer free coffee or tea, and give your kids a taste of private enterprise, entrusting them with a donut/cookie concession.

Dispose of the leftovers!

Give leftovers to charity pick-up or recycle all you can, but find a new home for the stuff.
Be considerate of your neighbors and remove all signs, and return your yard to normal.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Organize Your Life

Getting organized is about being in control of Your Life.
• The more organized one becomes the more you are able to think and feel better about yourself.
• One must strive for consistency; this can lead to a more organized life.
• If you spend at least 15-30 minutes a day organizing things, it will be helpful in decreasing clutter.
• Commit to a set time and schedule to help you meet the goal of organizing your life.
• Put your goals in writing and keep it visible (bulletin board) to have as a reminder.
• Use a calendar, planner, appointment book or written list to help you keep up.
• Plan how you want to start organizing your area of interest, start with your most important area.
• Have a target deadline to work towards having tasks completed. This helps you to stay focused.
• If you are not able to meet your deadline, do not stress. Modify your target date to be realistic.
• If you do not know where to start, work on the simple things such as your current mail or laundry.
• Reward yourself for everything you get to organize, this is very motivating.
• Organize one spaceat a time. Once you finish with one room in your home, move onto the next one.
• Work at your pace. Quality is always better then quantity.
• Schedule the next time you plan to organize something. This can help you keep focused on your goals.
• Learn to let things go. If you have not used something for 12 months you probably will not be using it.
• Have a yard sale, donate unused items or recycle unneeded items.
• Anything that is out of date, get rid of it.
• Do not keep paper that is not needed. Recycle!
• Credit card receipts & should be shredded once you reconcile your statements.
• Use filing cabinets as needed to organize your paperwork, don’t let it pile up.
• Arrange your books in some sort of simple order for you and others to follow.
• Balance your checkbook daily and keep your finances in order.
• Set up automatic bill payments to help you keep track of bills and avoid late fees.
• Start Now! Put away 5 things as soon as you are done reading this information.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pantry Organization

The Pantry questions are; what’s in there & what’s the expiration date and how to store it best. One must is keep the items rotated for. When you buy new items to add to the pantry, put these things behind the items already in the pantry. Organize the pantry in some way that will fit your lifestyle the best and keep a pantry inventory list. This helps you make your grocery list.

Here are some tips to consider for making the pantry more organized.

1. Be sure each item is easily accessible and visible. Add shelves if needed.

2. Stack cans with their labels facing out so they are visible.

3. Use adjustable shelves, rattan baskets, pull-out drawers, other organization helpers.

4. Put together a ‘guest shelf’. When you have visitors you can have on hand; drink mixes, easy to make dips, chips, cookies, etc.

5. Have a paper and pencil nearby so you can keep a list of needed items as you run low or think of new supper/side dish ideas.

6. Do not put bulky or heavy items out of reach for safety.

7. If you have a step stool, be sure there is an attached handle to hold on to. Be sure the stool safe.

8. Use/add overhead lighting in your pantry for easy visibility.

9. See which items you use a lot of and consider buying the gallon size to save money.

10. Store cereal, rice and other dried foods in glass jars that are clearly labeled.

11. Eliminate items in the pantry that just sit there for a long time.

12. The pantry door can have storage racks attached on the back with the use of a hanging organizer.

13. Add a shelf just for cookbooks. Organize your cookbooks.

14. With open shelves it is nice to put as much as you can in jars or storage containers.

15. Have a decorative bread box for looks and to help your bread stay fresh longer.

16. In a larger pantry, you can store large appliances such as a food processor or blender or bread machine. You can store extra silver ware and extra plates.

17. Plan the pantry out for the person who uses it most often “The Cook”.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How our system works

First, call Klutter Killerz 423-833-5425 to set up an in-home design consultation appointment. Next, we meet in your home to discuss and analyze your storage needs while we are designing your custom solution.

Design Appointments
Free in-home consultations are available throughout the week, including evenings and weekends. It may take as little as an hour to analyze your needs and produce your custom design on ClosetMaid's state-of-the-art computer software. If there are many storage spaces to reorganize, your consultation may take a little longer.

Your budget input and design ideas are essential to our solution process. Klutter Killerz can meet your budget requirements, offering an extensive variety of finishes and styles for your selection. You can add an array of accessories to finish your design.

Generally, a deposit is required for custom projects. Depending on the size of your project, we often may be able to schedule installation within a few days. Other custom projects may require a longer lead time.

When scheduling your installation, allow yourself time to remove the items in the area. If a fresh coat of paint or new carpeting is needed, make sure to complete all such prep work prior to installation. Once your area is cleared and prepared, Klutter Killerz will take care of everything else without you having to lift a finger.

Installation can be as quick as a couple of hours depending upon the size of the project. After thoroughly cleaning up the work area we will conduct a quality check walk-through with you to answer any questions you may have and ensure you're 100% satisfied with the installation. Each installation is backed by ClosetMaid's Free Replacement Policy.

Now you can begin to enjoy the sense of order Klutter Killerz brings to your home each time you see your new closet or garage system

How to handle your mail

Open your mail as it comes in and dispose of all things that are not needed such as the envelopes and the junk fillers or advertisements. Keep only the necessary part of the mail like the actual bill or personal correspondence. A counter/desk top letter organizer is great for staging items that need further action such as a bill that needs to be paid later in the month or a letter that needs your response. Cut out any desired coupons and dispose of the junk mail as soon as it arrives so you do not to start a collection and have to spend time sorting through this again. Remember to recycle and stay ahead of your clutter!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Garage

Garage Basics
Some garages have the reputation of frequently being junk-filled and cluttered. A few folks often use the garage as a dumping ground, often putting things there just because there is “nowhere else for it”. The first step in organizing a garage should be to see what contents are still needed, and what can be donated, stored, recycled or thrown away. You may also be able to sell some items in a garage sale or on Ebay. This can cut down on the clutter dramatically and organizing a garage is much easier when there is less to organize.
Once your garage is reduced to essential contents, it is time to get to work. There are many ways to organize a garage, but one of the simplest is to store similar items together. For example, a large collection of tools can be kept together in a particular part of the garage, while auto supplies might be in another. This has the advantage of both looking neater and making it easy to find contents later.
Now that the garage is organized into your categories, the next step is to put everything away to the proper place. Frequently-used items might work best on sturdy shelves, which make the items easily-seen and easier to find. Items that won't be used often can be stored built in cabinets, workstations, boxes or totes. The boxes and totes should be clearly labeled, making it easy to find what you are looking for when you need it. Now that your garage and workspace is organized, the little finishing touches help make lasting improvements. With a little effort, organizing a garage can be a simple family project.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Closet Cleanout

Before you can undertake reorganizing your closet, you first need to face your clutter issues. Yes, this can be a daunting task, but you will be far happier and much more successful at the reorganization effort you are undertaking if you take a few extra steps ahead of time.
- You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time so choose the items you wish to keep carefully.
- Items to discard include anything:
o You haven’t worn in a year
o Worn out or requiring mending
o Stained beyond cleaning
o One- size to small or to large
o Out-of-fashion
o Missing parts of sets (tops, bottoms, gloves socks, etc.)
o Poor quality
o With price tags never removed
o Worn out shoes and purses
- Start at one end of the closet and work to the other end reviewing every item. Have a bag or box ready for items you plan to discard. You may be able to give these to your favorite charity.
- Saving items for when you “take off the last 10 pounds” can be discouraging since this can take longer than you would like. If you would like, keep one item for the “new you” to help motivate yourself. Then reward yourself for your achievement by shopping for new clothes at your goal.
- Using one type and color of hanger (wood, plastic, etc.) simplifies the look as it gives a sense of uniformity and control over the space.
- If you keep shoes in shoeboxes, take time to label each box with a brightly colored marker as this makes it easier to find the shoes you are looking for.
- Plan extra time for this project now and it will be worth plenty of time in your future.
Good Luck and let us know what your best organization trick is…………