Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Organiize the Kitchen

Look over the situation - Look in your kitchen and make a mental note of what belongs in there and what you don't need in there.

Organize Kitchen Cabinets - Take everything out of your kitchen cabinets, clean, and place them back in categories (i.e. plates, glasses, etc.).

Clean your Pantry - Take everything out of the pantry, clean and place back in categories. Use one shelf for dry foods such as cereals, pasta, and so on. Use another for canned goods. Use baskets or drawers in the pantry for smaller items like stock cubes and gravy mixes.

Use a Spice Rack - Using a wall-mounted or counter top spice rack you can save cabinet space and have your spices close at hand.

Clear the Counter Tops - Remove any items you don't use on a regular basis from your counter tops.

Organize the Junk Drawer - Look through and throw out any items that don’t belong. Place small tray in there to store items such as batteries and the other things we collect in the kitchen.

Organize the Cleaning Products - Buy an inexpensive plastic tote and place it under the sink. This will make it easy for you to organize cleaning products.

Clean the Refrigerator - Before you go grocery shopping clean out the fridge. Throw out all the expired items. Bacteria in fridges can accumulate rapidly, make sure this area is cleaned weekly.

Have a Message Area - If your kitchen has a space, set up a specific spot for telephone, messages, keys, etc.

Invest and be Clutter Free - Now you can find all sorts of inexpensive organizing products and gadgets for your kitchen and home. If possible invest in a few of these as they will make organizing much easier.

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