Sunday, May 23, 2010

Goal Setting

Goal Setting is the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising an action plan to achieve the results you desire.
This goal setting definition emphasizes that goal setting is a two part process. For effective goal setting, you need to do more than just decide what you want to do; you also have to work at accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself.
For many people, it's the second part of the goal setting definition that can be problematic. Most people know what they want to do but they may have trouble creating a plan to get there. Goals without action plans are just words.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easy Closet Organization

Organizing you closet is easy when you call Klutter Killerz Custom Closets. We provide a FREE in-home consultation and design service that is unbeatable. Our award winning design system combined with our professional installation will give you the dream closet you desire. Let us do the work for you! Klutter Killerz is the Low Cost Leader and really makes your closet organization Easy and Affordable. We can furnish and install your closets, pantries and garage storage needs for the same price or less than what some companies charge you for just getting the products shipped to you and you then do all the work! As an extra assurance that you are getting the industries best solution for your organization needs, we provide a Lifetime Guarantee on all of our ClosetMaid products. Call today to get your closet and your life organized the easy way. (423)-833-4525

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Save Money Get Organized

You can save money while you get organized with a coupon from Klutter Killerz. Simply go to and get your own coupon and save some cash right now!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Organize Your Money

1. Keep Your Bills in One Place
When the mail arrives place it in one designated place. Misplaced bills can be the cause of unwanted late fees and can damage your credit.

2. Pay Your Bills on Schedule
Bill paying can be simplified by following scheduled times each month. You can establish set times each month when none of your bills will be late.

3. Take Advantage of Automatic Payments
Many banks offer a way to automatically deduct money from your account to pay creditors. In addition, the creditors usually offer a lower interest rate when you sign up for this payment option because they get their money faster.

4. Computerize Your Checkbook
Computer checks can be ordered almost anywhere and fit right into most printers. Once the checks are printed, all of the information is automatically recorded in your electronic checkbook.

5. Sign up for Direct Deposit
On payday, the amount of your paycheck arrives in your account. You still should receive a payment stub from your employer for that period.

6. Get Overdraft Protection
For a fee, most banks can connect your checking account to a savings or credit card so bouncing a check may be avoided.

7. Cancel Unused Accounts
Whether it’s a credit card or bank account, write a letter requesting that the account is formally closed.

8. Consolidate Your Accounts
If you have several credit card accounts with outstanding balances, try to consolidate them into one. Be careful and check the balance transfer interest rates and one-time fees.

9. Establish Automatic Savings
This can be done through your banks and automatic amounts will be transferred over each month.

10. Organize Your Files
Make sure your paid bills are organized in a filing cabinet away from the rest of the house. Keep individual files for paid bills. Go through your files yearly and you may contact the IRS to see how long records need to be kept.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Coupons for your storage needs

Visit for your savings on a new closet, pantry or garage storage system.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Organiize the Kitchen

Look over the situation - Look in your kitchen and make a mental note of what belongs in there and what you don't need in there.

Organize Kitchen Cabinets - Take everything out of your kitchen cabinets, clean, and place them back in categories (i.e. plates, glasses, etc.).

Clean your Pantry - Take everything out of the pantry, clean and place back in categories. Use one shelf for dry foods such as cereals, pasta, and so on. Use another for canned goods. Use baskets or drawers in the pantry for smaller items like stock cubes and gravy mixes.

Use a Spice Rack - Using a wall-mounted or counter top spice rack you can save cabinet space and have your spices close at hand.

Clear the Counter Tops - Remove any items you don't use on a regular basis from your counter tops.

Organize the Junk Drawer - Look through and throw out any items that don’t belong. Place small tray in there to store items such as batteries and the other things we collect in the kitchen.

Organize the Cleaning Products - Buy an inexpensive plastic tote and place it under the sink. This will make it easy for you to organize cleaning products.

Clean the Refrigerator - Before you go grocery shopping clean out the fridge. Throw out all the expired items. Bacteria in fridges can accumulate rapidly, make sure this area is cleaned weekly.

Have a Message Area - If your kitchen has a space, set up a specific spot for telephone, messages, keys, etc.

Invest and be Clutter Free - Now you can find all sorts of inexpensive organizing products and gadgets for your kitchen and home. If possible invest in a few of these as they will make organizing much easier.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is clutter?

Clutter is mostly everyone’s life backlog. With the exception of those people who thrive in the middle of piles of unread, unfiled or unfinished papers and books, what we're looking at is a filing system run off track. Perhaps you never started to organize the stuff that is piling up around you to begin with. Today, we desire to realize that what we need to do in our lives in the organizational area of our life is to eliminate this grand backlog of unfinished work. We must do this as a lifestyle choice. No more life backlogs and less stress will follow!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to change your life

How can I make a change?

A few things you will need to make the transition from a cluttered life to living uncluttered;

1. You do not like how you’re behaving. (i.e. living a cluttered life)

2. You know you are responsible for making the change; no one can do it for you.

3. You have access to information and tools that can help you change.

4. You believe you can change.

5. You believe making the change will improve your life.

6. Your friends and family help and support your change.

If you’re having difficulties becoming uncluttered, you may be missing some of these factors?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Organize your bookshelf

Take everything off of the bookshelf and clean each shelf. It's much easier to start with a clean slate!

Remove books that you do not want to keep, box them up and donate them to local charities or libraries.

If you have books you can give to charity, set those aside. These may be books your kids have outgrown, or books you are not interested in keeping or reading.

Clean out the books of any old book markers or loose papers.

Decide how you want to categorize the books. Popular choices are by author, title, or topic. If you want to organize them by height and color, this is also ok. Another good way to organize books is fiction/non-fiction.

Spread out all the books on a floor or bed to start sorting them into categories.

After they are all organized place books in their category onto the shelves alphabetically.

When organizing a child's shelf, children's books tend to be taller than adult ones so try to place these on the tallest shelf.

Place binding side facing out. When placing the books on the shelf, make sure all of the book spines are facing the same direction.

Enjoy your new bookshelf organization!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Less stress

These days folks seem to work long hours, have their kids involved in more activities & sports, and maintain a busier style of life. This can lead to a feeling of constant stress and disorder. If you’re looking how to simplify life, you are not alone, the concept of 'voluntary simplicity' has been growing in popularity for over a decade because so many people have felt the same way. Here is one simple way you can cut the stress of a life that is fully loaded while still maintaining the activities that are important to you.

Quite a few stressed people live in cluttered homes. House clutter can bring a general feeling of uneasiness and can literally drain your energy, but getting rid of it is difficult for with our important and overloaded schedules. One strategy to simplify life by clearing clutter is to take 20-30 minutes each day to tackle one pile at a time, organizing your house one area at a time. Another strategy is to take several hours one weekend and just get it done. Either way, you’ll remove a significant energy drain from your life, and replace it with the feelings of relaxation that come from having your home be a haven from stress.